Saturday, February 23, 2019

Researching into the unknown the beginning of a prototype part One

An experimental somewhat open architecture crystal energy generator.
Its starts with an idea that kept me up most of the night from Thursday.

"An idea is like a planted virus, it grows, it spreads throughout the mind, and the body shall not rest till the idea is brought forth from the void of the universe and brought into the physical realm." 

^^A somewhat twisted quote from the movie Inception.^^ 

The carriage or base is made from copper wire and then shaped and soldered together to hold the one crystal in the center.

I have that feeling that there is going to be more added to this interesting project ahead just a small part for phase one.

Working with copper wire and soldering it together with silver solder is an artform of a mixture of Alchemy and mindfulness. 

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Seen Easter Weekend while doing laundry

The Easter Goose that is hopping, hobbling, and waddling to a neighborhood near you, leaving chocolate eggs behind.