Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stop the New World Order from Happening.

Location Madison Wisconsin near the capital; Taking part of history by being part of the march.
The march was full of good energy to change the way that government and all politicians should run our nation and our state.
signMarch 3March 2
Tell our politicians it is our voice that needs to be heard; that our government was once ruled by the people, for the people, for retrofitting justice, and liberty for all free people that can change the government by all the population of the United State residents that have a right to vote for a bipartisan for all. Stop the government tyranny plan against the people before it is too late and all of humankind looses its freedom to voice its opinion to change and to move forward for a better world to live in. Stop corporate greed for the rich and powerful without workers to work at their  corporate jobs there would be no need for this stinginess, selfishness, stagnation, and the refusal for a better change for the greater and common good for all. 
    Lets hear it for democracy in the making for a better nation, planet, world, and our universe.

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