Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fairy Skywalker

After loosing a hand during granting too many wishes.

She visited the fairy genetic prosthetic engineer and had a new one attached on. Thank goodness for clear epoxy, cheap, and inexpensive toys such as The Fearless Forces only a $1.99 from Target.

Coming soon to this post "Fairy Wars". 
The battle between mischief fairies with an attitude and good fairies that grant wishes.

Plans for a Second Steam Punk Rifle Part Three

After the weather warmed up for a few days, I spent some time sanding the stock pieces using the new shockwave multi-tool and then used a two in one stain and polyurethane to coat it up nice.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Poof Drinks

The definition of a Poof Drink is when it tastes good and goes down like cool-aid and then sneaks up on you later.
Mixing them together was a very smooth drink to enjoy and then sleep like a rock, perhaps next time I'll add a shot or two of the hard liquor of choice.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring Equinox

Merry Spring Equinox
With a full moon in the background, that would match the last few days of the actual full moon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wizard 101 Interesting MMO

Wizard 101 game is comparable to the collectible card game Magic the Gathering only in a different way of digital inspiration.
              The mad horse look very angry and unhappy to be ridden about in the adventure.
However it is also like any other collectible card game on the market that is making its way to be digitized and playable as a MMO.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Be safe and drink at home.


A good day to watch the Saint Patrick's Day parade and party with friends.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stop the New World Order from Happening.

Location Madison Wisconsin near the capital; Taking part of history by being part of the march.
The march was full of good energy to change the way that government and all politicians should run our nation and our state.
signMarch 3March 2
Tell our politicians it is our voice that needs to be heard; that our government was once ruled by the people, for the people, for retrofitting justice, and liberty for all free people that can change the government by all the population of the United State residents that have a right to vote for a bipartisan for all. Stop the government tyranny plan against the people before it is too late and all of humankind looses its freedom to voice its opinion to change and to move forward for a better world to live in. Stop corporate greed for the rich and powerful without workers to work at their  corporate jobs there would be no need for this stinginess, selfishness, stagnation, and the refusal for a better change for the greater and common good for all. 
    Lets hear it for democracy in the making for a better nation, planet, world, and our universe.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Adventures in Snow Land

    It was snowing more this morning when I was ready to take a day off from work today. 

    Such a nice day to sleep in and study.
    Street 2

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    The Second Future Project

    The second possible project of an old remake from long ago of a electromagnetic induction Tesla motor made from a old hard drive only smaller. 

    Didn't take long take apart, the fun part is to coming up with the internal design.

    Sunday, March 6, 2011

    Plans for a Second Steam Punk Rifle Part Two

    Coming together nicely more ideas formulating and practical application from studying in college classes of critical thinking and creative problem solving.

    Using some parts from a 22 rifle, the stock, ammunition feeding tube, and, a Carbine Walnut Straight Grip, other parts are a few copper pipe pieces and wire soldered together.

    Plans for a Second Steam Punk Rifle

    Planning to put together another steam punk rifle.

    Looking forward to spring real soon when the snow melts and to work outside again with warmer weather ahead. The creative bug has been cooped up way to long and is itching to work on some hearty projects. Creative ideas and thoughts are flowing together to make a well planned idea, stay tuned for more pictures.

    Winnings from American Girl.

    Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.