Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Last Steampunk Gun

This will be the last steampunk gun that is going to be made, I really enjoyed making all the previous ones up, however the cost started to add up quickly.

 This one is the Air Blaster Tek six shot rotating barrel gun, it only has a few flaws in the design, overall it would make a good steampunk gun

I would like to take the time to acknowledge Target and Buzz Bee Toys for there wonderful product line of toys.

There are unlimited possibilities for making steampunk guns from Squirt Guns, Air Blasters, The Nerf Line Products, & ETC.
 Have a good imagination and create the ultimate steampunk gun mod just by painting it and have fun with it.

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Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.