Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Hunger Strikes (A Theory of Humankind)

What is the hunger and thirst?
The story line of both in all people that are hear and those that have past;
What happens when your hunger can never be satisfied and your thirst to be never quenched.

The basic definitions of both: To hunger is to feed on food to temporary satisfy on what you eat till you are full: To quench one's thirst is to drink water and or whatever is what at hand...
The complex interpretations of both: The hunger within is when you need Knowledge, Guidance, Faith, Believe in Something Greater (Goddess, Gods, Deities, ETC..) Spiritually, Working for the Greater Good, ETC:
The thirst within is when you need to be Loved, Compassion, Acceptance, Gratitude, Passion, ETC...

Examples: When a person seeks out Spiritually, Knowledge, ETC.. They hunger on what they want to be involved with like going to Churches, Temples, Sacred Spaces, The Outdoors, Reading Books, ETC.. when it is found the hunger is satisfied for a long time as long as people are Happy with Involvement, Making it Interesting, Fun, and not Repetitive over the same subjects over and over again, this tends to burn people out and they move on with the next fad.

The thirst is quenched when people remark on what they do or how they act to be fulfilled with Positive Reinforcement from their Priests, Pastures, Priestesses, ETC..

What happens when neither is satisfied or quenched or is suffocated by other people opinions?
We all run into this now and then..
That person starts to feel Unfulfilled, Uncompleted, Rebellious, and Unwanted...

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Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.