Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Lantern & Other News Posting for July 07

I Have been away from the computer for awhile.
Nice weather to work outside on projects in the wind.

Had to get a router from Computer USA for both computers to run on-line at once, after canceling the DSL sometime ago.
The old AMD 500MHz (my first computer that I built) hosed and locked up after the Norton Anti-Virus package expired from its trial days. Slowly reinstalling software as I need it, might be awhile before I get the digital camera software reinstalled.
Reworked and polished up an old nice lantern that I bought for 6 bucks from a antique mall.
Took another build a drum class, that should be fun to do again, to make a traditional drum with elk hide. I also would like to learn to make a feather fan while I am making my drum.
Working on a Guardian Katina for myself or for someone else with red clay, copper wire, & licorice sticks.
Worked on a pendulum that I made from a willow stick and is curing with tung oil.
Working on another project (on hold till payday) this one is going together well, after I silver solder and placed the copper wires to the copper tube.

Lots going on and creativity is riding high, pictures to come soon.

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Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.