Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Dark Witch Doctor Part 2 Posting for March 2006

His dark spirit rose out of nowhere in the darkness of the night, a angered, enraged, pissed off, and full of vengeance and hate was in the air that evening as the sun was setting sleepily in the west. Nightfall was in the air, the coolness air brushed with a fate that was known that the fire would not light at all. Silence fell over the valley as the dead sleeping in there Graves, the ground fog became thicker than pea soup that the beam of the flashlight did not even pierce through to see the ground itself. Many of us knew the trails by the back of our hands, but on this night by the confusion and fear that filled our heads, we would have to wait til the sun would come up again, if the nightmares and shadow demons were waiting till you fell asleep. The fog itself would have scary faces and demons hidden in it. One of my friends would say "Even a sacred smudge would be good right about now." Most of the supplies that were brought that night didn't include the needed ingredients to make one. The first main ingredient is Tobacco followed by Sage, Cedar, and Sweet Grass, placed in a shell mixed together and a very hot coal from the fire. The only things were brought was a few flashlights, matches, case of beer or two, paper, cigarettes, a zippo lighter, a strange quartz crystal cluster, soda, another Bic lighter, junk food of all sorts, and actual spring water from the mash to clean the crystal.

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Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.