Sunday, December 2, 2007

To Much to Think About and to Much to do Posting for June 06

Todays' Battle Tech card is "Fanatical Leader"

DUDE, that is really today's day...Monday Madness Marathon is the key wordage of the afternoon...Right after work is was run run running against the clock...Started with the cheap RC airplane from Habbor Freight Tools and try to fly it at a near by park which had an broken wing by the end, a very bummer for Rexi and I. A mad dash for the groceries with tunes pumping me along with the soundtrack from Queen of the Dam, really rocks when booging down the isles and dodging people along the way, then its load the truck and jet home and unload the haul of food. Then it's gather and get laundry done before 10pm, I was under the wire before closing time about 4 minutes give or take, then jump in tub and scrub til clean, dry, go to bed, sleep, and start a Tuesday all over again.The drum frame that I bought over the weekend looks very very good, with two coats of stain and polyurethane on it, I also bought some nice beads to add to the handles on the drum beaters, which was a flash of light in my mind adding beads to them. I am somewhat gifted and thankful when these things happen while working on a project from the heart or perhaps it was the branches from the trees talking to me...Next time to a bloggy near you, on the big screen, new photos of the drum beaters with beads...Laters... Take time to do what you can in a day, before it's late night and time for bed...

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The crane

The afternoon visitor, just passing through.