Saturday, April 25, 2020

Testing out the Crystal Guardian Tower 2.0 Part 2.

Test fitting and placing two crystals.

More soldering of the copper fittings and getting the solder to hold into place.
Part of the tower came apart in a few places shortly afterwards. 
Not to shabby for an experimental test soldering run. 
More to come soon..

Crystal Guardian Tower 2.0 Part 1

A somewhat nice day to work more on the Crystal Guardian Tower 2.0

May have to find a better heat resistant template down the road.
The challenge was to solder tesla wire and the upper copper circle to the copper fittings.  

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Test fitting the Crystal Guardian Tower 2.0

Thursday experimental template after drilling holes in a woden square.
 The woden template might hold up the Crystal Guardian Tower 2.0 avidly stable.
The last test is to silver solder it together, todays weather though delayed the project.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday Reworking C.G.T. Part #2

The Crystal Guardian Tower 1.0 reworked and resoldered.

The Shungite fits nicely in a different copper fitting without to much movement or being loose.

Tuesday Reworking C.G.T. Part #1

A very nice sunny day to do more touch up and resolder of the Crystal Guardian Tower 1.0

The soldering rig.

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Sunday Project

Sunday was a very nice afternoon to rework the Crystal Guardian Tower and trying out a experimental soldering rig from a camera tripod.

In the end result of testing and a trial run, not bad for a retrofitted camera tripod with a long adjustable metal band for the propane tank.
Tuesday is going to be a touch up and replacing a copper fitting with a different one.

More pictures to come soon..
Happy 420 Day to those that can smoke it legally or CBD... 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coming soon from "Inferno Labs" for upcoming Biological Virus.

An old sticker that found me from going to "Club Inferno" years ago; for some odd reason.

As the times change the crossroad of humanity has a choice of 5g (Technology Frequency Warfare Weaponry
or Evolving and Ascending with the Earth into the 5 Dimension.

Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.