Saturday, August 24, 2019

Experimental modified Cyber Goth mask Day #4 Part 2

Finished project for Event at Crucible, just in time before the event started.
Saturday August 17, 2019.
^^Left side^^
^^Right Side^^
Completed Project

The last thing to do with is come up with a way to stop the mask from pinching my nose area and make it a little more comfortable to wear.
It was a little uncomfortable wearing it while at the event, took many breaks to let my face cool off.

Experimental modified Cyber Goth mask Day #4 Part 1

Some time past by since my last post a week has past and the event was a blast at the Crucible.
Nearing completion of the Cyber Goth mask.
Saturday August 17, 2019. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Experimental modified Cyber Goth mask Day #3

Starting to look more like a Cyber Goth mask.
All is left is to add a few more embellishments to it.

More to come as it is nearing finishing the project for a event that is coming up this Saturday August 17, 2019 at Crucible Nightclub for a themed night.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Experimental modified Cyber Goth mask Day #2

Another nice day to layout, test fit, and paint pieces.

PVC is not to paint friendly after finding out later.
After adding spray primer, black paint, and paint sealer it took roughly two days to achieve a nice looking Cyber Goth mask.  

Sample testing of finished project.
More to come as it is made and altered...

Experimental modified Cyber Goth mask Day #1

A very nice day to reach into my creative artistic side. 

A small experimental test of setting the pieces and layout.
The next step is a mask that is made from a suitable material or altered from a respirator.

Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.