Thursday, September 29, 2011

Five Years Blogging and Still Posting

Indeed it has been five years since my first post...Thank you Blogger authors, code writers, and code analyzer's for making this place a good one for years to come....

Monday, September 26, 2011

A W.O.W. Picture

Perhaps a reference from the movie "The Dark Crystal" "The Great Conjunction is at Hand"

"The universe is always moving into motion, nothing goes to waste."

Friday, September 16, 2011

The End of a 5,000 Year Cycle

Now is the time to project the power of thought into change for a better world. Project thoughts of peace, joy, and happiness. End the suffering of conscious, subconscious, and unconscious thoughts of negativity.
Power of thought is energy from the mind within.

The end date is May 31 2012.
Start meditating, stay alert, stay awaken, and aware of the changing times that lay ahead. Only you and the energy of pure thought can change the world and perhaps the universe for a better place to live in.

Be a part of the greater good for all future generations.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Woods Poking Part 102. A Guide for Hikers

The most important guide for woods poking is to take a walking stick, some water containers, insect repellent, camera, binoculars, and some food or something to snack on. Many other resources can be found in nature such as firewood and kindling to make a small fire. Lean what plants are harmful like poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Also beware of ticks and dangerous creepy crawlies of any sorts that might be lurking about while woods poking.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Third Steam Punk Rifle Ideas are Flowing

A few weekends ago I went to a gun show looking for parts for a lever action 22 or a 30/30 for the second steam punk rifle, however finding none at the show. Instead, I found some interesting parts that jumped out at me for an idea for a third bolt action steam punk rifle.

^^Possible third steam punk rifle^^.
    The second and third steam punk rifle together. The one on the top is the second one and the one on the bottom is the third.

Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.