Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Computer Blues

I just bought a motherboard over the weekend, installed it maxed out all the ports and thought it would work as a good computer. The downfall came after putting both hard drives on the primary IDE channel (master and slave) and both CD Roms (master and slave) on the second IDE channel. The BIOS or CMOS didn't recognised the slave hard drive or the slave CD Roms on either channel.
This would be the 2nd bad motherboard that I have bought.... :-(
I like computer stores and working and building on computers, however the service techs have less information on the other used motherboards and most of them didn't come with drivers for the motherboard and they wanted money ($40) for the motherboards that didn't come with drivers. I think that most used computer shops should have the motherboard drivers on a burned CD. I also think that used computer shops should test their products thoroughly before it leaves the store, at least I have one old running relic, (Shuttle-Spacewalker:: AMD-K6-2-500) that I bought in 1999, it might be slow and 10 years old it is the most reliable old motherboard overall, with a few glitches that pop up now and then.
Till the Next Post....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Fallen Feather Friend

Today at work, sometime during lunch, I found a dead female cardinal around the outside stairwell, I ran to get a small box for her and pack her away safe and sound.
I had to put her in the freezer, because I had laundry to do and unfortunately she is going have to wait till Friday evening to be bury at Indian Lake Park.
Just like my last posting from last year "Funeral for a Feather Friend" it seems that I like birds, when they are alive and flying about, when they pass away to the great beyond, they tend to find me to help them, when they are in plain site.
Birds are closer to the sky Goddess, Gods, Deities, ETC.. than we physical earth dwellers will ever be, until it is our time to leave our physical body and go to one of the seven plains of existence.

The crane

The afternoon visitor, just passing through.