Monday, February 16, 2009

B17 Airplane

An old B17 Super Fortress

B29 Plane B&W
Adding a little photo magic and the black and white looks better than the one in color

Old Plane

A old picture of an old plane

At one time or another I use to collect pictures of old planes from the old days when they were flying high and were the way to travel.
Old Plane 1_phixr

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meika The Bird of Mystery and Wonder

I think at one time or another that Meika was a cat in a past life, she likes to chase and chew on string.

Whatcha have there and let me have that string

She is a funny bird that has lots of energy that makes me laugh

Top Picture Meika tring her best to help me sew
Next one down:: Watch out with that needle you might poke someone's eye out
Chasing String
Such a curious bird as well

Monday, February 9, 2009

Co-Worker Oddities

One of the co-workers that I know gave me a box of tape worms.
At one time way back in the 1700's or so, they were actually used for medical purposes.

If anyone give you a box of tape worms kindly say "no" and walk away very fast if not run in fear.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Fay Sightings

I do have a few Wee Folk or Fay's about the house and collect them as well, catch some today and make a wish and when you do catch one release it to the wind for it to come true, happy hunting

Coming soon on this blog a picture of a Fay house that I plan to build this spring and take out to a park


Universe Sign of Oddities and Findings

Did a bunch of people received one of these?
An advertisement that hit the old mail box just in time for Valentine's Day
If you are with that special someone or still seeking

Not bad for an add that says something for everyone in a different application.

Have a good Valentine's Day and if your single get out there and meet that special someone.
And if you are with that special someone take good care of that person with a rose, box of chocolates, and or going out to eat.

Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.