Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Economic Pressers

After watching the president speech, with some odd noises in the background, started to think as to what is going to happen if the nation collapses face down with no aid in site? What happens when business of all sorts shut down and the workers are jobless nation wide? Another depression would be the answer for this one...
Mr. Bush wake up man and start crimping down on the major monopolies such as Microsoft, Target, Shop Co, Walmart, Exxon, and any other corporation that is on every street corner in a five mile radius, charge the owner and not the consumer is also a answer of this one as well.
No more taxes without representation, should be what all American people should be saying now to the government, by meaning the our rights of the Declaration of Independence that the majority of the house of Congress should follow as much as The United States Constitution.
This government is no longer for the people by the people as it once was in the 1700's, so many laws changed since then that is now by saying "By the government for the government and what is good for the government must be good for the people to pay and to suffer."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Economy Blues

It bites when the buying market is slow and stagnant, it hits the major factory companies very hard and makes a bunch of us little hard workers worried about having a job to go to and showing up to every day. I may not like where I work at, at least it gets the bills payed, gas in the tank, and food on the table, even the job market is slumping everywhere you look.
Last year around this time where I work at would be taking off to overtime hours which would be nice... however why is money and finances important in this day and age?
At one time or another the hunters, crop growers, and gatherers would not need money just a market for trade goods and a place to barter at.
Are we heading in that direction again, where history repeats itself again with another depression?
Politics are no better either, this year is a major one where both sides bashes the other and is going to make me either vote for someone else or not at all with the negative adds on TV saying that the Republicans are better than the Democrats and vise verse.
Why not let both parties run this country to Hades the fiery inferno below and hand it over on a silver platter.
Most likely neither one would know what to do when the 2012 Mayan or Inca prophecies come true....

Winnings from American Girl.

Drawings for Christmas and Yule.   Its been awhile since my last post.